If you would like to get in touch about local issues and matters you wish to be brought up at Parish Meetings then please contact your local Parish Councillors.
Contact details can be found on the Clerk and Councillors Page. If you’d like to get in touch about any other Parish matters, please use the form underneath the map on this page where your concerns will be directed directly to the Clerk.
The Parish Council have made every effort to put links on this website to interesting, relevant and informative local news items. However we are always open to sensible improvements. If you have any suggestions for these developments then please forward them onto the Clerk by emailing them to:
Parish Clerk:
Rachel Wintle (Temporary)
Condover Parish Council
c/o Dorrington Village Hall
Nr Shrewsbury
Shropshire, SY5 7LD
As we currently do not have a full time Parish Clerk – the Chair of the Council will be dealing with all matters in the short term.
If your enquiry is in regards to any of the issues below, please use the links provided: