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There are over 8,700 parish and town councils in England and we offer the most local level of government. The main aims of Condover Parish Council are to:

  • Provide effective, efficient and accountable local government for the Parish, enabling residents to be involved in the life of the community and its future development;
  • Be a representative voice for residents and local businesses, working to improve the overall Parish area both built and natural, while preserving the uniqueness of heritage areas; and
  • Support improving quality of life and community well-being within the Parish

Parish councils are governed by certain Acts of Parliament and listed below are just a few examples of what we have the power to provide:

  • Allotments
  • Burial Grounds
  • Bus Shelters
  • Commons
  • Community Transport Schemes
  • Crime reduction measures
  • Leisure Facilities
We can also contribute towards:
  • Traffic Calming
  • Street Cleaning
  • Street Lighting
  • Youth Projects
  • Community Centres
  • Footpaths
  • Car Parks
  • Village Greens
  • Each year, usually in December, we consider what we would like to do and how much we think it will cost. We then inform Shropshire Council of how much money we need and they collect it on our behalf from council tax payers in the parish. This money is called the ‘precept’ and principally finances your parish council. Parish Councillors are elected to represent a geographical area, a ward, there are 4 wards within the Parish:

    Councillors are elected by people over eighteen who live within the parish and are on the electoral register. Elections take place in May every four years with an election in each ward. Parish elections coincide with Shropshire Council elections. You can find your ward Parish Councillors here:

    You are welcome to contact your local Councillors if you want to raise an issue.

    Our councillors meet monthly and decide which activities to support, what services should be delivered and how they should be financed. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings where time is set aside at the start of the meeting for them to speak to councillors about any concerns they may have. For meeting dates please see here:

    The day-to-day work of a councillor may include:

    • Attending council meetings
    • Meeting with individual residents
    • Going to meetings of local organisations
    • Going to meetings of bodies that affect the wider community, such as the police, the Highways Agency, schools and colleges

    Parish councils are the most local part of the democratic system and act as a voice that can make a difference to the quality of life within their local community. Parish councillors are community leaders who represent their electorate’s aspirations and endeavour to improve the quality of life for those in the parish.

    As an elected body the parish council is accountable to its electorate. You can find out about the rules and regulation to which we must abide in the Parish Council’s Standing Orders which get reviewed every year and updated when necessary:

    The parish council accounts are audited each year by an independent internal auditor appointed by the council and externally audited by accountants appointed by the Audit Commission.

    Councillors must abide by the Code of Conduct and procedural rules are described in the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.

    The Council has a Complaints procedure which should be followed if a member of the public wishes to make a formal complaint about the parish council or a parish councillor or clerk. The behaviour of parish councillors is monitored by Shropshire Council Monitoring Officer and Standard Board Committee.

    The Parish Council Has a range of policies and procedures which inform how we conduct business. These can be found on the Policy pages of this website:

    For a more in-depth view of what a Parish council is and what it does you can also view the following 3 page document from The National Association of Local Councils (NALC):