Next Door

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Meeting Dates 2024 – Please note January date and venue


Date Place Meetings
9th January Condover Village Hall

7.00pm Finance &Personnel Committee

7.30pm CPC Main meeting

6th February Stapleton Village Hall

7.00pm Finance &Personnel Committee

7.30pm CPC Main meeting

5th March

Condover Village Hall

Green Room

7.00pm Finance &Personnel Committee

7.30pm CPC Main meeting

2nd April Ryton Village Hall

7.00pm Finance &Personnel Committee

7.30pm CPC Main meeting

7th May Dorrington Village Hall

7.00pm Finance &Personnel Committee

7.30pm CPC Main meeting

4th June Stapleton Village Hall

7.00pm Finance &Personnel Committee

7.30pm CPC Main meeting

11th June Ryton Village Hall 7.30pm Annual Parish Meeting
2nd July

Condover Village Hall

Green Room

7.00pm Finance &Personnel Committee

7.30pm CPC Main meeting

6th August Ryton Village Hall

7.00pm Planning Sub-Committee

7.30pm Finance & Personnel Committee

3rd September Dorrington Village Hall

7.00pm Finance &Personnel Committee

7.30pm CPC Main meeting

1st October Stapleton Village Hall

7.00pm Finance &Personnel Committee

7.30pm CPC Main meeting

5th November

Condover Village Hall

Green Room

7.00pm Finance &Personnel Committee

7.30pm CPC Main meeting

3rd December Ryton Village Hall

7.00pm Planning Sub-Committee

7.30pm Finance & Personnel Committee